At Newcastle Speech Pathology, we want to put you in the driver’s seat of your therapy. We are here to provide information and empower you to make informed choices and decisions regarding your speech pathology service delivery.
We are passionate about providing exceptional, best-practice services to all our clients. All our services are provided in a manner that upholds the principles of privacy, dignity and individual choice. Link to privacy policy
We adhere to all relevant legislation and our speech pathologists are certified practising members of the Speech Pathology Australia.
We are committed to providing services in an environment that ensure people are free from discrimination, abuse, neglect and exploitation and we have the processes in place to manage these issues if they arise. Our management, staff and volunteers promote ethical, respectful and safe service delivery and we recognise, support and respect your inherent right to freedom of expression and the right to make decisions about and exercise control over your life. We recognise the vital role of family, friends, advocates and carers in assisting to safeguard and uphold your rights.
Our Commitment to Family-Centred Practice
We believe that families are a critical part of support and care for our clients. All client services at Newcastle Speech Pathology are family-centred and are responsive to individual and family needs. Services are planned with the family, respecting each family’s cultural background and particular strengths and needs.
Each family’s beliefs, traditions and way of coping are respected. We will endeavour to provide you with the information and support your family needs and requests throughout the course of your treatment, in order to make the best decisions regarding your support. We encourage family members to share their knowledge and suggestions for your care, to ask questions and help identify the goals for your care.
Our Commitment to Person-Centred Practice
At Newcastle Speech Pathology we are strongly committed to providing person-centred services. We are committed to ensuring that you are listened to and are treated as an individual. You are invited to be actively involved in planning therapy goals and all we will specifically tailor our intervention to meet your goals and needs. We understand and respect your right to choose the type and delivery of services, and we seek to accommodate your preferences at all times.
We understand that clear communication is at the heart of our relationship with our clients. We commit to working with you to develop open and honest communication regarding your assessment results and therapy progress. We aim to do this verbally and in written form as required.
We support family and carer involvement in all discussions and are committed to communicating with other key professionals involved in your care and management.
Interpreter services are available on request or at the discretion of your speech pathologist.
To read our Client Handbook, Privacy and Culture & Diversity Policies,
or to provide us with feedback, please visit our Information for Clients page.